On October 30, 2013, I launch my 2013 Readers Survey, aiming at gathering more data and information about my site (takisathanassiou.com). I ended this survey about mid-January 2014, having only 3 (!) answers! Since the gathered data, does not support too much extrapolation, I try, here to provide only some indicators and trends, for the readers of my site!
Why The 2013 Readers Survey?
The main purpose of this survey was to improve my blog with information, approaches, and posts that would provide considerable value added to my readers. For this reason, I want to have a representative sample of the readers’ opinion as far as my blog concerns.
As it has been announced the readers survey 2013 for my blog was linking directly to my strategic goal, targeting:
to create meaningful and readily applicable approaches, schemes, etc, providing insights, interconnections and tools that, I believe, can create a positive difference in various areas, and empower the people in their everyday personal and professional life.
How The Survey Constructed?
The Readers survey 2013 was based on a similar readers survey, developed and contacted by Michael Hyatt for his blog! I modify, omit, delete heavily on the original list of his questions, in order to develop my questionnaire.
The final questionnaire, I think as more representative for my site (and trying to avoid any bias(!), as much as possible, of course) contained 31 representative questions, designed to capture some basic information about my reader’s expectations in relation to my site. Furthermore, the whole survey, constructed in such manner, that would make easy and effortless its completion, by my readers!
From a technical point of view, the questionnaire was designed and developed in Google Forms, while the results were targeted in a Spreadsheet (Google Sheets), all in my Google Drive, for easy access and monitoring of the results!
How the Survey Disseminated?
The 2013 readers survey was announced on my blog and published in all major social Media. More specifically, the 2013 Readers Survey for my Blog was announced in:
- My Blog via a relative post, and was further communicated via
- All major Social Media. Specifically for the dissemination of survey, the gathering of a larger readersresponsewas used the:
Some Basic Indicators from the 2013 Readers Survey
The survey is been respond by three (3) people (thank you very much, in any case for the time and effort you took!) all of which, according to survey’s result, are men, Christians, with higher education degrees (from a demographic point of view). According to the responses, I have received, in my 2013Â readers survey, some basic data and trends that might be of interest here (!), include:
- Readers’ Information – Who answer in my survey? In the survey answer men of age 31-60(100% of the sample), Christians (100%), with Higher education (M.A. Degree – 100%) degrees.
- Information about my Blog – How you read my blog and what interested you most?: You first find my blog from social media links (~33% from Facebook, 33% from Twitter and 33% from LinkedIn), you read my blog from 1 (~the 33%)- 8 (~ the 67%) months, from my site (~ the 67%) and from tablet (~33%), while you are most interested in Business, e-Learning, Leadership and Technology subjects
- Information about your Personal Development path – How you invest in yourself and at your skills enhancement?: Approximately 33% of my readers, have read 1 book/month and are subscribed to 1 magazine/month, ~33% of my readers read approximately 10-20 blogs/month and listen to 2 podcast/month, while the majority of my readers (~67%) read 1-10 blogs/month and listen to no podcast (0%). The majority of my readers (~66%), attended from 2-4 conferences last year, all (100%) attended in a webinar, 33% (1 person) attend or intend to attend an online course, while the 66% would be interested in attending one!
- Social Media Interaction – How my readers interact in social media?: From the responses I have collected it appears that my readers are active in Twitter (66%), in LinkedIn (100%), and in Facebook (33%) but not in Google+ (0%) or Pinterest (0%)! Only 33% of my readers (1 Person) have a blog which update rarely while only 33% (again 1 person!) have the intention to write a book, someday!
Of course the data and trends, are not representative (the number of responses is very small), but in any case present some basic trends, that in correlation to the statistics of my site (mostly by Google Analytics and Clicky), can, in future, provide, with more solid result.
Given this opportunity, I would like, for one more time, to express my gratitude toward all the people, took the time to fill in my survey.
Thank you all for your response in my 2013 Readers Survey!