Contributing Author+ by | Aug 31, 2020 | Business, Marketing, Sales, Small Business
The economy as we know it will become a distant memory in just a few short months due to the pandemic. Business owners will soon look to hire people who can work remotely. Those that don’t need to travel to work, can work from home, are not only cheaper to hire and pay, but they may turn out to be more productive.
Takis Athanassiou+ by | Mar 9, 2020 | Advertising & Branding, Blogging & Writing, Entrepreneurship, Sales, Small Business, Strategy
Do you want some ways to convert your traffic and audience to traffic? Some growth hacks and strategies can help you, but if you are serious about it, you need to cut the chase and start dive in on what can bring you permanent and constant results: copywriting!
Takis Athanassiou+ by | Oct 29, 2019 | Business, Digital Marketing, Guest Article, Sales, Small Business
This article has been contributed by
Mathew Jade. Mathew is a business, finance and technology blogger who spends his entire day writing quality blogs. He is a passionate reader and loves to share quality content prevalent on the web with his friends and followers and keeping a keen eye on the latest trends and news in those industries. For more updates follow his on Twitter
E-commerce has been on a boom since the last decade. It has become the leading channel of carrying out transactions, and it is expected to grow even further in the future.
The marketing for this retail upturn is done solely via social media. This includes every kind of ad you see on your screens which have become a significant part of our daily life activities.
Takis Athanassiou+ by | Oct 10, 2019 | Digital Marketing, Marketing, Sales
These days, having an online presence is essential if you want to run a successful business. This includes having a website and accounts on the major social media networks, namely Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
Takis Athanassiou+ by | Oct 7, 2019 | Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Sales, Small Business, Strategy
Email marketing is a great way to target customers with personalized marketing. You can engage customers, encourage conversion and get excellent results from a well-crafted email marketing campaign.
Takis Athanassiou+ by | Aug 28, 2019 | Business, Digital Marketing, Sales, Small Business
If you are looking to sell products online, we have some tips to assist you.