Your business can benefit a lot from getting out of the office and hitting the streets. This allows your business to connect directly with the people who you want to turn into customers. You could use this as a marketing tactic. If you do this, you can hand out leaflets and talk to people in a human way.

Image source: Pixabay
Alternatively, you could try to sell to people by setting up stalls on the street. These approaches can both be helpful for businesses, so it’s something worth considering.
Train Your Staff In How To Approach And Talk To The Public
Training is going to be essential for your employees. If they don’t have any experience of making face to face sales, they will definitely struggle when it comes to doing it in the real world.
Train them up and show them how to talk to the public. They will need to approach them in a particular way.
The aim should be to engage people in a positive way. If they come over too strongly, people will not want to engage and will depart at the nearest opportunity.
Attract Attention With Signs And A Stall
You will need to attract people’s attention if they’re going to stop and take an interest in what you have to say.
You can do this by creating a stall that is eye-catching, as well as using the right signs. They should say something about your business and give people basic information.
On top of that, you should use colorful banners and flags that attract attention. You can get these from places like Dynamic Gift.
Set Concrete Objectives
Before you hit the streets, you should have some concrete aims and objectives in place. These should be shared with your team so that everyone is on the same page. Your employees will need to be pulling in the same direction and working together if the endeavor is going to be a success. When you have finished, you can assess your efforts and compare them against the objectives you set.

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Give People Something To Taking Away
When the interaction between your employees and an individual on the street is over, will that person remember the company? It’s possible that they will forget about the brand as soon as they walk away and get on with their life. But that’s not necessarily what you want to happen.
For you, it’s much better if people remember your company in the weeks and months ahead. You can make that happen by giving people a branded gift to take away with them.

Image Source: Flickr
Address Everyday Concerns and Problems
If you can manage to present your business as able to offer solutions to people’s problems, making connections will be easier.
This gives your potential customers something to latch onto. They will see that your business is offering something that can make their life easier. And that’s the quickest and surest way to get people interested.
So, think very carefully about the things your employees say to customers when trying to intrigue them and make sales.