There are many reasons for blogging. Some of them are more serious than others, but every reason makes you start a blog, is valid, and always of importance (at least for you!) But besides the many reasons or strategies in which the clause “I start blogging” involves, there is an objective that surpasses everyone else.

Reasons for Blogging

That objective is the development of something new. Either it is a new message, an idea, a schema, a startup, a niche market, or something else, everything starts from a message. You need something to communicate with the world!

To Blog Or Not To Blog?

Why should you blog? Why should you devote time, effort, resources, and a considerable amount of commitment to developing a blog? And if yes, for who?

Blogging is one channel of expression and most of all it is a medium for you to channel your message(s)! To setup, a blog is easy and takes very little time. But to develop and nourish a blog and build connections with people, it takes a lot of time and effort.

Because the main principle of building a blog is that. You build a blog for the others. Not for yourself. A blog is the central point of a certain community and blogger is the initiator of one or more discussions.

You should start a blog if:

  • You want to teach some topics and blogging clear up your ideas
  • You want to gain more focus on the topics you are interested in
  • You need a place for clarifying your thought and ideas, besides your everyday work
  • You need a place for tracking the development of your thoughts, ideas, products, services, dreams, passions, etc
  • You want, real-time feedback from the potential consumers of your ideas, services, products, ideas, schemes
  • You need a communication platform

For all these reasons, you might take the decision to start blogging. But these reasons are just the justification of building a blog and starting to write in a regular mode, research and find topics of interest, communicate with other people, and strive to provide more value to your potential audience.

There are more, probably more important reasons that may propel someone or a group to start blogging.

What Are Your Reasons For Blogging? Take A Peek!

Not every blog is equal to others and not every blogger is alike to anyone else. The importance of the principle of start blogging is exactly that the variety of the various interests, personalities, characters, skills, attitudes, expressed in different ways, via various blogs and channels. This rich and potentially prosperous information system of specialized interest, opinions, approaches, ideas, opportunities, etc is what gives to the act of blogging its significance!

For this reason, today there is a whole ecosystem of bloggers, focused on different subjects, topics, niches, markets, business, hobbies, and lay their talents, serving their particular interests.

It is a lot of effort but provides, both personal as professional benefits if it is done right.

That’s why you usually start blogging! Because:

  1. You have something of importance to say to the world,
  2. You need a place to exchange your ideas with other interested parties,
  3. Blogging is an important part of your professional or personal strategy,
  4. You need a central base for the dissemination of your ideas, products, services, etc.,
  5. You want to transform yourself from consumer to producer of information
  6. You have solutions to certain problems you want to share with the world
  7. You like to build a platform for communicating more efficiently your ideas
  8. You want to improve your thinking and communication skills
  9. You want to communicate with more people and cultures
  10. You need further options for networking
  11. You want to build a new community
  12. You want to begin a new startup business
  13. You have a social cause and you want to propagate it on the web and the social media
  14. You like to build authority and expertise in your area
  15. You need a portfolio with your items, achievement, tasks, projects, etc
  16. You want to be a better author, writer, etc
  17. You want to test your ideas, products, services, etc in the real world and having real feedback
  18. You need new opportunities, ideas lead to your personal career to your business
  19. You want to further and expand your influence, business, career, connections, etc,
  20. You want to connect with more interesting people relate to your interests, business, hobbies, etc
  21. You like to research more information, topics, and subjects
  22. You like to build authority and trust around yourself, your capabilities, and your skills
  23. You like writing and use blogging as psychotherapy or a tool for personal development
  24. You have a genuine interest to help others with your skills, solutions, activities
  25. You want to coach, mentor, facilitate a particular person, a group of people, or one community,
  26. You want to use your blog as a promotion, marketing, or business tools
  27. You want to build an online business, a product, a service and use the blog as a central point for clarifying your ideas and interact with potential clients
  28. You want more traffic and visibility via your writings (for more traffic you can consult the writings of Ana Hofman at Traffic Generation Cafe)

Do you think, these reasons for blogging are enough? Would you like to start writing your first articles? Then start NOW!
