The most important question that is asked in today’s world is How to be motivated? So the thought it gives rise to is that “Are people so demotivated!!!!!”
From morning to evening we see people around rushing and running, on some agenda, some target, some motive. And ironically the meaning of Motivation is “reasons for acting or behaving in a particular way”, and the synonym is MOTIVE.
So when we see people are onto something they are motivated. So let’s start this article with the good news that we are motivated, we just need an extra dose or a different feeler.
Is motivation nowadays a survival skill? It’s not only for the ones who are ambitious but in this competitive world (at least that’s the way it is presented) motivation becomes mandatory. With timelines, targets, expectations at all levels and the markets getting more and more challenging motivation seems to be the catalyst that can take you ‘When you want to be’.
Unfortunately, it cannot be purchased from a supermarket!!!!! It’s about being ‘Super’ from within.
It is always good to analyze that what kind of results will make us feel motivated and then work backward. Another important thing is that we accept that this is an ongoing process.
As said by ZigZiglar, “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” And so we need to keep analyzing as what motivated us a year back, shall give no motivation today. So to put in pointers, first accept that we are motivated and that’s why took action to search and attempt for more information on the topic. Also, except for a few people who are driven by intense passion, motivation needs to be taken as a daily vitamin dose. So what if I need it daily, it’s great that I identify it and am willing to trigger it daily!
Do realize the fact that you are motivated to a great extinct and hence you are surviving, you are motivated to LIVE!!! With this base build higher!!!
Second, Self-analysis, introspection, what are the results, emotions, and feelings that make us feel motivated; and mind you these are all individualistic and hence for SELF-motivation. Seldom we like feedback from external sources. We only like it if we respect the source or have paid for the same. In all other scenarios, we are not very keen on getting feedback so self-analysis, self-study, introspection is the means available. A lot of times we miss the point, others can help in such scenarios. So instead of waiting for someone to give feedback, solicit it yourself and work on it!! This will help you accelerate your progress.
Third, be aware of your changing needs.Keep track with a journal. If you track your progress/ journey, you’ll be able to see it/ alter it, which will help motivate you to continue or try even harder.Also, another important aspect of tracking is, Instead of deflating yourself and your motivation by comparing yourself to others who are so far ahead of you this will help you compete with yourself and keep challenging your comfort zones!!! Documenting the progress is always a great way of sustaining your motivation as it’s a realization that ‘I’m progressing’.
Fourth, our life moves like a graph with its highs and lows. So when you hit low, be kind to yourself, nudge yourself back on the path you were on and take one small step forward. And interpret the event constructively. Learning from the ‘hits’ and ‘lows’ of your life, not only sets you free from the impact but puts you in a better position when you experience something similar in the future. Document the learning on a regular basis.
Fifth, When we are clear WHY you want to do something the HOW automatically happens. So to be motivated we need to have strong reasons to reach a goal or destination. Stronger the reasons, higher the motivation, faster the results. Write down all your benefits of achieving the goal, how your life would change, who all will feel proud of you and how will that make you feel! Think about the highest and best ‘WHY’ and the motivation will get triggered.
Sixth, being motivated also doesn’t mean that we keep running. Sometimes to take a break and meditate rejuvenates your mind and body and adds speed and value to the upcoming actions. Slowing down is important at a speed based life to introspect and rejuvenate so that the speed can get better. This avoids breakdowns and long life to the body and mind. So, meditate, exercise, do yoga, swimming etc. This is not a choice but a necessity for living the dream of being motivated most of the time.
The process is inside out. Now that we have mentioned the inside, let’s now take note of the outside – Our Environment. Our environment is determined by the people around.Spend less time with negative people who always look at the dark or the apathetic side of things. And spend more of the time with enthusiastic or motivated people and let their energy flow over to you.
Our environment should have a system that keeps us on track. If we would have noticed that when airplanes fly, they are precise I result, it is because of the constant feedback that keeps them on track. So it becomes vital to place motivational quotes and your reasons around your home and workspace, which will work as a feedback system.
Declare your goals. Being public about your goals will give you a sense of accountability, which may make you more inclined to get going. Goals which are not worth declaring are not worth achieving and don’t need any sort of motivation.
Remember, you are not born to live an average Life, if you want to experience Life in its Highest Potential Format it begins by taking some of these initiatives!!!