Welcome to Season 1, Episode 8 of the Leadership Execution Podcast and thank you, everyone, for listening. In this episode, I’d like to invite you to listen to a wonderful interview by Josh Haynam who is the co-founder of Interact Quiz Builder (affiliate link)! Please, join the discussion!

Learn From Your Clients - Josh Haynam

Interact Quiz Builder (affiliate link) is my new favorite tool for interact with my audience and taking meaningful responses, can help me improve my blog and tweak my services in order to serve better my audience.

It is an integrated platform for services can help you develop quizzes, polls, and giveaways in a quick and easy way. It is, also, a tool especially useful for edupreneursconsultants, and content marketers because can initiate a meaningful interaction and collect information about the specifics of the audience you want to serve!

Josh HaynamWhen I like something, usually I’d like to learn more things! For this reason, I tried to find more information about how this platform launched and my research has a wonderful result because I had the pleasure to discuss with one of the co-founders of the Interact Quiz Builder, Josh Haynam!

The discussion with a person like Josh is always very interesting and provides many insights for many entrepreneurs and startup owners!

Listen to what Josh has to say about starting a business, Interact Quiz Builder, sales conversion and why you should always listen to your clients!

Listen To The Podcast

In this podcast you will find out:

  • How to start up a company,
  • What Interact Quiz Builder is and how to use it for your company,
  • Why quizzes can lead to enlarged sales and increased interaction, and
  • Why you should always listen to your clients

Notes From The Show

  • Business is a great adventure.
  • You should enjoy the unknown in business and be prepared for whatever may occur!
  • Quizzes for marketing is something no one has ever done before.
  • You always challenge yourself and test your abilities in the process of doing what you like.
  • Question is an excellent ice-breaker and a wonderful way to initiate a meaningful interaction with the other party.
  • The conversation about the results of a quiz can bring unexpected results and outputs.
  • When you develop marketing campaigns based on the quizzes output, you target a more specific market and your campaigns are more relevant to the audience you want to mobilize!
  • You need discipline in order to succeed in anything!
  • You only can learn from your customers or from the customers you want.

Connect With Josh Haynam

Additional Resources Related To This Episode

If you want more information about the topics of this podcast you can explore the following resources:

Join The Discussion

To be a leader or an entrepreneur, it means to reflect, to act, to change and to learn. But a primary function of a leader is to share.

A podcast can provoke many insights, comments, views, and one of my favorite parts is to provide you with the incentives and the inspiration to make a difference.

That’s why I invite you to join this conversation, by sharing your views and insights on how you could establish trusts with your clients!

Click here to try Interact Quiz Builder today and learn what it can do for your business!

Disclaimer: I am a partner and affiliate with Interact. But if you read a long time this blog you should know that I only recommend services, products or programs that I use myself and feel will help my readers.

Moreover, I’d like to provoke you a little further, with a small question!

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