The Monthly Review for January 2014 is a collection of the most interesting posts, presented in this blog and articles of interest from around the web!

Monthly Review – January 2014

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The first month of 2014 signifies many changes in this blog, as well as the approaches, have been used so far. Some changes, derived, partly, due to the results, provided by my 2013 Readers Survey while other changes become of the essence during the course! (more of these changes, will be discussed later on).

If you enjoy my monthly roundup and the content of this blog, please join me and on the other social media sites I’m active (check and the sidebar!). You would find either a Leadership Initiative dedicate page or me in Google+, in Twitter, in Facebook, and on Pinterest. In these sites, I occasionally share as well interesting material, posts, articles and links of interest from all over the web.

Here is this month’s posts from this blog, and other links, articles, and content of interest I’ve found of value!

Takis Athanassiou Posts for January 2014

 Post of Interest from the Archive

Other posts of Interest for January 2014

Question: Do you find the monthly review useful? Please comment.