The Monthly Review for June 2014 is a collection of the most interesting posts and articles, presented in this blog and articles of interest from around the web!

Monthly Review – June 2014

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This month I have continued my 2014 readers survey in order to find more information about the preferences of my readers.

Three major events have to be noticed for this month:

  1. Diana Kander, a very young and talented entrepreneur trust me to write a small review for her new book “All In Startup: Launching a New Idea When Everything Is on the Line“. It is a wonderful book and an even better cooperation. I owe many thanks to Diana. My review recorded in my post: Book Review: All In StartUp, by Diana Kander
  2. This month, I have the privilege to publish a small interview gave by a leading lady in the area of turning ideas to real tangible projects, Anne Samoilov. Anne, according to my opinion is an excellent person and a trustworthy collaborator in the area of business with a genuine interest in helping people achieving their goals. This small interview, have conducted by e-mail, and featured in the post, Anne Samoilov – An Interview, with the aid and constant support of Kristina Dedvukaj. Thank you very much, Anne, thank you very much, Kristina, for all your efforts!
  3. I become 50 years old and that make me think some things I have recorded in my post with the title: 50 Something!

If you enjoy my monthly roundup and the content of this blog, please join me and on the other social media sites I’m active (check and the sidebar!). You would find either a Leadership Initiative dedicated page or me in Google+, in Twitter, in Facebook and in Pinterest. In these sites, I occasionally share as well interesting material, posts, articles and links of interest from all over the web.

Here is this month’s posts from this blog, and other links, articles and content I’ve found of value!

Takis Athanassiou Posts for June 2014

Post I Wrote For 3rd Sites & Blogs

 Post Of Interest From The Archive

Other Posts Of Interest For June 2014

Question: Do you find the monthly review of June 2014 useful?