
A book for you, who wants to achieve more, in your personal and professional life.
It contains selected articles from this blog, as well as many practical tips, and approaches for enhancing your skills.

Having a meaningful and productive life starts when you focus on what matters.
This easy-to-read book will show you why simplicity can leverage your strengths and streamline your productivity.
Personal Productivity

This is a book focused on productivity as a way of doing what gets to be done!
It focuses on 3 main areas you need to attend and focus today in order to become more productive and effective.
Leadership Productivity

Leadership has always had a close connection with productivity & effectiveness.
This book explored this connection and supports your efforts to become a better and more effective leader.
Why Bother Blogging?

This is a book from a blogger to bloggers (focused on blogging & business)!
A small insight about blogging and why it should be a constant activity rather than a side project!