Develop An Inquisitive Entrepreneurship Mindset

I’ve been visiting a small coffee shop in my town the other day to grab a small cup of coffee for the rest of my (working) day. It is a small coffee shop I like a lot for many reasons: excellent coffee, quality services, attention to individuals’ needs and continuing personal interest and connection.

Develop An Inquisitive Mindset

Image Source: Pixabay


Top 5 Habits To Make You Successful And How To Actually Apply Them

Today’s post is written by Aymeric Gaurat-Apellii. Aymeric is a software consultant, programmer, blogger and the Founder of Weekplan, a weekly planner web application. Read more about him here

Everyone has something to advise and talk about towards their path to success. Of course, everyone believes they have something to share which can really help individuals in any sphere of life. However, making changes in your life is not the easiest things to do.

Top 5 Habits - Wake Up Early

Image source: Pexels

Staying consistent with those changes and you have successfully developed a habit. Do not get disheartened because these habits will make a change in your life steadily.


How these 5 Habits Are Affecting Your Productivity Badly

Today’s post is written by Jasmine Demeester. Jasmine is working as an academic advisor at a popular UK firm. She guides student who say her to write my dissertation at Apart from work, she also manages her personal blog related to travel and tourism. You can follow Jasmine on Google+.

Productivity is the most crucial factor that determines the performance and capability of an employee. Every boss wants to hire people who are always passionate and willing to produce astounding results through their non-stop hard work and immense dedication.

How These 5 Habits Are Affecting Your Productivity Badly

But unfortunately, a human mind can’t work like a robot. It needs sufficient amount of rest to regain its momentum. Whether you are an executive level employee or holding a senior most position, I know you are always willing to earn the reward of promotion every year.


5 Morning Rituals That Will Forever Change Your Life

Today’s excellent post is written by Slavko Desik. Slavko is editor and writer at Lifestyle Updated – a site continually searching the link between what we do and how our life looks like. Changing the first, he believes, inevitably changes the second. And it doesn’t have to take a lot of time. You can find Slavko on Google+ or follow him on Twitter!

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On a late San Francisco afternoon, Tim Ferriss, a New York Times bestselling writer, had the pleasure to speak with the world-renowned actor Edward Norton. The two of them recorded this conversation that later took shape as an episode of the Tim Ferriss podcast.

Morning Rituals


The Huge Impact of Everyday Rituals

Every day I get up from my bed, say hello to my family, I hit the shower and take care of my hygiene, eat a light breakfast, and try to start my daily routine for the day to come! The family greeting and acknowledgment, the shower and the personal hygiene and the breakfast, are all the initial triggers “conditioning” me to unfold my everyday rituals and get the things to need to be done …, done!

The Huge Impact of Everyday Rituals
