A Day Off The Grid!

Recently I experienced a total connection shutdown! No telephone, no Internet, not communication besides my cellular phone!

For this reason, I’d like to apologize to my readers for my delay in posting this article.

The problem was large and caused by a road repairing crew, that damage the telephone’s infrastructure in the area. This situation cause me to skip the posting of one post (specifically the previous one!) and gave me some food of thought!

I’m so accustom to having an Internet access anywhere I go, that its absence creates a lot of problems. Today is one of those “off-the-grid” days! I was working normally, trying to do some infrastructure work, when, all off a sudden, everything went still! At first, I didn’t realize what happened and thought that I had a problem with my computer. After a while though, I realize that telephone and Internet were off. Not phone, no Internet, no web, no value added service! Complete silence!

A Day Off The Grid

The Art Of The Feasible

The art of the feasible consists of devoting your efforts on ventures, having a real impact in the world (your and that of the others!). Most people do not realize that. Think that dreaming of doing things is the same as actually doing them. The net result is that the output is never in the level of the dreaded one and almost never, does not offer hard-core output in life. And that creates a lot of frustration, stress, and anxiety, creating the divorce of real valuable bits and pieces of good raw data, ideas and approaches from its implementation!

The Art Of The Feasible


Free Kindle Books

One question often pop-ups now and then, in my communication with my friends and relatives, is: “How can get free Kindle Books?“. Today, the need for more specialized information, for various topics, renders the buying of all needed resources quite impossible. But, fortunately, there are alternatives.



Free Space For Your Thoughts

Sometimes, there is a necessity to free space for important things to crawl in. There are times, that I found myself baffled, trying to cope with many different tasks and activities drive me to different directions, and, usually, try to juggle too many things at once. But this is impossible, of course, because very time and energy consuming to this task, and usually, without any result.
Zen Stories Illustration - Free Space for your Thoughts


What Is Time Management or Time Gained And Re-Gained?

What is time management and why we need to answer the “time for what” question? Time management is a common denominator in a plethora of books in the modern literature trying to establish the specifics and the premises of various working schemes that would ease or support the gaining of more time.

What it Time Management?

Image Source: Pexels
