How would you like the prospect of working for yourself, or making a second income to support your daily activities and aspirations! Even more so, how would you like to have the capability to work when and where you like, using a proven model of working in our new competitive society!

Well, these, and much more, are the questions, Jonathan Milligan tries to answer in his new book with the title: The 15 Success Traits of Pro Bloggers: A Proven Roadmap to Becoming a Full-Time Blogger!

Johnathan is an experienced blogger, podcaster and entrepreneur with many credits in the area of leadership, blogging, and productivity, having developed successful online products!

In this book, Jonathan maps a very clear path between blogging and business! He is focusing on blogging discipline and he tries to provide you all the necessary skills and tools for becoming a full-time blogger.

In his book, among other things,  you would learn:

  • A proven pathway anyone can use to become a full-time blogger
  • The 5 core mindsets Pro Bloggers have that separate them from everyone else
  • The 4 keystone habits all full-time bloggers practice daily
  • 3 systems you can implement to quickly move from hobby blogger to Pro Blogger
  • The Expert Product Wheel 12-Month Plan
  • The 6 step blueprint to teach your passion online
  • A handy one-page infographic that summaries the 15 success traits
  • Plus much more

If you are serious about blogging and online business, this is a book, you should definitely read!

Please take a look and tell me what you think! You can share share your opinion at comments section.