It is that time of the year, that you start to feel you need a little vacation time! Or a little time for you and your family. To do things that you normally don’t do, goofy things, interesting thing, challenging things, “or else” things, or in layman’s term, whatever things!

Vacation Time, a view from  a wall, or business as usual?

Vacation Time, a view from a wall, or business as usual?

For me, this means that I would be out of my normal activities from July 24th until August 15th.

Vacation Time

As I have written, further above, I’m planning to take some, well deserved I believe, vacation time (labor-free and distraction-free but not work-free time) from July 24th until August 15th.

This period was particularly difficult for me, and a lot of procedures, have been launched, (as this blog for example) while others, more demanding ones, should be continued.

During this period, I have to assume various additional roles (as site administrator for instance) while I should have maintained, expand and enhance my traditional ones (leadership, consultancy, mentoring, management and e-learning).

At the same time, I’m in process of developing various ideas, schemas, and projects that are of interest for me and I’m planning to pursue further in the future.

Given this operation framework, I schedule this vacation time, as a period for creative work and for relaxation with my family, as well as a period for doing things that would reboot my life.

Some Thoughts For Vacation Time

So, without further ado, I would like to wish everybody to have en excellent, creative and prosperous vacation summer period. Moreover, I would like to leave you some further thoughts for your vacation time.

Specifically, I would like to offer you the following thoughts:

How do you plan to spend your vacations? Do you have plan some time for yourself, or not? What do you plan to do in your vacation period? Please comment.