Hello friend, and welcome to takisathanassiou.com. Here is Takis’ site and blog, a place for recording his thoughts and ideas, providing value and tools to his readers, and disseminating the most valuable bits of his work.
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Who is Takis Athanassiou?
Takis Athanassiou is a Business Consultant, Technical Writer, Author, and Trainer. He is a European operating e-Business & e-Learning consultant, focusing on providing you the best resources and practices for building an intentional and meaningful living, based on your initiatives, character, aspirations, and goals!
Greek in origin, Takis develops ideas, approaches, methods, resources, assets, and tools, that will help you to grow and better your personal and professional life!
Takis has managed, consult, and cooperate with various organizations and companies in Greece and Europe in various business areas. Among them included public and private companies, organizations, agents, banks, and universities.
He has connected and work with the National Telecommunication Organization – OTE (Greece), the Management Organisation Unit S.A. (Greece), the National School of Public Health (Greece), the National Network of Public Administration – SYZEYXIS (Greece), the Public Power Corporation S.A. – Hellas (Greece), the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (Greece), the Computer Technology Institute (Greece), the Foundation of The Helenic World (Greece), the American College of Greece (Greece), the Hellenic American Union (Greece), the National Ministry of Labor (Greece), the Greek Ministry of Interior (Greece), the Bank of Cyprus (Greece), the Cyprus Open University (Cyprus), the CONFEDERACION DE EMPRESARIOS DE GALICIA (Spain), the SOFTWARE DE BASE (Spain), the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (Spaithe TELEFONICA SISTEMAS (Italy), the Confartigianato Regionale Umbra (Italy), the Comite de Liaison des Comitees de Bassin d’Emploi – CLCBE (France), the FernUniversität in Hagen: Fernstudium (Germany), the UNIVERSITY OF DUISBURG (Germany), the University of Hull – UoH (UK) and with many more.
He has also cooperated and associated with companies active in the international e-Learning sector such as the Blackboard (USA) and the Saba (USA).
Takis shares his best strategies, mental models, ideas, and approaches for developing YOURSELF, according to your goals and your values!
At the business level, he pays close attention to the group dynamics and the personal interconnections, trying to form and employ strategies and operations that would assist the company in an integrated manner and enhance its effectiveness towards its organizational, social, and enterprise activities.
He aims at developing business and strategies having a win-win orientation towards all involved stakeholders while keeping the focus on the human and social aspects of the enterprises.
Takis uses a specialized mindset based on leadership & strategy principles, personal growth directives, business-proven practices, and training activities to deliver his best results to you!
He employs and uses various approaches and tools using a mixture of techniques, including books, white papers, education, courses, coaching, mentoring, etc.
Takis is the author of the following books:
- Leadership Initiative Papers – Glimpses of a Changing Scenery
- Simplicity: Exploring the path of least resistance,
- How To Make Extra Income Online: Make Money On The Side Today Working From Home,
- Towards Personal Productivity, and
- Leadership Productivity
some of which are featured on Amazon or on the Gumroad. His books are featured also in different online platforms such as the Rakuten Kobo and Barnes&Noble bookstores.
He is also the author of numerous free books, guides, and white papers developed in the process of providing more value and clarity to his audience!
Takis writes and develops books and courses for topics related to business, e-Learning, leadership, marketing, productivity, effectiveness, management, time management, social media, and tools, while, occasionally, he writes about various subjects (he thinks!!!) of interest for his readers.
He has developed or contributed to various courses, among which are the following ones:
- Your Niche Market, a FREE course to help you find your ideal target market,
- Effective List Building Tactics, a FREE course to help you build an effective mailing list for your business, and
- WordPress 4 Basics, a premium course to help you set up and run your WordPress site for your business.
His goal is to create meaningful and readily applicable approaches, ideas, schemes, etc. providing insights, interconnections, and tools that, could create a positive difference in various areas, and empower the people in their everyday personal and professional life.
Toward this end, Takis has an established presence is consulting and coaching oriented sites like the Maven and the Clarity.
Takis develops ideas and systems in order to help people to understand and use effectively basic business and marketing concepts. For this reason, he actively developing, testing, and verify his new methodology: The ACE Methodology. He has also developed an integrated life goals planner (paper-based) based on his concept.
Takis also utilize his knowledge and ideas in order to provide new tools to help his audience become more productive and effective. For this reason he launched 2 new tools one MS excel-based and one google-sheets-based habit tracker to help people maintain their good habits and remove the redundant ones!
Currently he is learning Notion and trying to release some templates to the public
A Very Brief CV of Takis Athanassiou
Takis Athanassiou has been working for over 20 years in the IT sector, as Project Manager, Team Leader, and Director in Greek SMEs, focused mainly in areas of IT services, e-Learning, and consulting.
His main focus is Leadership and Strategy while he helps people, groups, and companies to develop their goals and adjust to the “new brave world” of digital media, in order to stay innovative, creative and competitive.
In order to do that, he uses various enablers (as entrepreneurship, technology, financials, e-Learning, etc. are) to empower the people in developing their personal and professional life and the companies to enhance their impact.
Today he is working in the areas of business consulting, e-Learning, and social media while he writes, blogs, and discusses leadership, business, productivity, personal development, social media, and tools that facilitate and support the flawless execution of everyday business and personal life. For more information for Takis, you can check Takis’ profile on LinkedIn.
In case, you are wondering what Takis is focused on currently, you can check this link!
How to Contact Takis
You can contact Takis either by e-mail or you can reach him via the contact page of this blog. Feel free to connect with him on Twitter, Linkedin, Facebook, Flickr, Youtube, Soundcloud, Instagram, and Pinterest.
Takis has also online, active, presence, or active participation in other sites as well! Among them are the Amazon, the Gumroad, the Maven, the Clarity, the SlideShare, the GoodReads, the Medium, the TradePub, the BizSugar, the Quora, the ProductHunt, and others. Depending on your interests, you can check on these profiles and connect with Takis in any service you like!
Takis Athanassiou Blog Posts On Other Sites and Platforms
Takis Athanassiou blog is the “personal activities base” of Takis online activities (either business, blogging, networking, etc). But this site supported and supports other blogs as well and have some more “outposts“, around the Internet, for sharing and propagate the ideas, approaches, and tools, discussed here.
Such blogs, central for the concepts discussed here & various outposts are (among others) the:
- Leadership Initiative Blog
- Leadership Initiative pages and groups (sharing information and interact with this blog, either via direct posting mechanisms, social media services or with the aid of 3rd tools, like the IFTTT or Buffer). Such pages and groups are:
- The Leadership Initiative Page at Facebook, and
- The Leadership Connection, group
- Blogs have been developed on other platforms, such as in:
- Articles and posts of interest, Takis originally write (or postings Takis has written for this site and he is frequently re-posts in 3rd sites), for sites such as:
- BizSugar,
- Quora,
- Medium,
- AboutLeaders, and
- My Ezine Articles
Affiliations, Disclosures, and Relationships
Takis promotes and sells various 3rd party products and services via affiliate marketing links. These change frequently. Presume that most links here have an affiliate relationship attached, but also understand that if Takis promotes it, he uses and believes in the product or service (thank you, Chris Brogan, for this!)
Pursuant to new FTC regulations, Takis has developed this page of disclosures so that it’s clear when he is writing on behalf of someone else.
Occasionally Takis publishes some sponsored articles for products and services he thinks of value!
If you like what we do on this site, please consider donating! Your contribution would be much appreciated while you will support the hard work provided on this site.
You can always buy me a coffee to keep on providing top quality and valuable content, tips, and strategies for achieving your goals:

Blog Platform
The domain and host provider of this blog is the company GoDaddy, and this blog is being developed on the blogging platform WordPress. For the blog has been used a professional responsive theme the Divi ® by Elegant Themes™ and various third-party services. Most notably Disqus for integrating comments, FeedBurner for RSS, and MailChimp for marketing campaigns and email subscription. Finally, for server tasks and traffic monitoring, it has been used GoDaddy tools, Google Webmaster Tools, and Google Analytics.
This is my personal blog, takisathanassiou.com. All content provided on this blog is for informational purposes only. The owner of this blog makes no representations as to the accuracy, completeness, currentness, suitability, or validity of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. The owner of this blog will not be liable for any errors, delays, or omissions in this information nor for the availability of this information. The owner will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information. All information is provided on an as-is basis.
For further policies related to various operations of this site, you can check here!