Investing can be a great way of making extra money on the side. Whilst many people will choose an investment purely on the financial profit it could gain them, a growing number of investors are starting to also consider a different type of return.

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Known as ‘ethical investments’, certain investments can ensure that your money is also going to a philanthropic cause. The result can be rewarding on a humanitarian level as well as on a financial level.
Here are some ethical investment opportunities that could be worth looking into.
Local Business Investments

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Investing in a local business is a way of giving back to your community. Obviously, there are some trades that could still be controversial, but most local shops and restaurants are likely to be ethical.
You could also consider local community projects such as funding the construction of a swimming pool or a gym or a public transport service.
There are sites to help you find local investment opportunities in your area.
Supporting new local businesses can be risky, so always ensure you trust the business owner completely before paying out any money.
Organic Farming Investments

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For those that want to support chemical-free agriculture and livestock, there are plenty of organic farms out there that could do from your support.
Organic produce is growing in popularity and has become a lucrative industry. Find farmers that are well established for a secure investment or take a gamble with a new farm.
Green Energy Investments

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Oil was once the investment of choice. But now as the world looks to more eco-friendly alternatives, oil investors are getting less of a return and a more negative reputation.
Wind farms, solar companies, and hydroelectric projects are already making a huge return and are thought to be the future energy sources.
Wind farms in particular cost very little to run once they’re set up, resulting in big returns for investors. Just check that before backing such a projects, locals are behind the venture – there have already been examples of wind farms being torn down for ruining the views of locals.
Senior Care Investments

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The elderly population is rising and more of them need care and are willing to pay for it – but the sector needs more investment to provide this care.
Getting involved with an in home care franchise could be a way of helping the senior population whilst getting a nice return for your work.
Whether you provide simply financial backing or are able to bring business skills, your contribution is sure to be appreciated.
Social Housing Investments

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Social housing construction projects were once thought to be an unworthy investment compared to other property. But now investors are seeing a good return for helping with such projects, in some cases of up to 12%.
High returns are thought to come from debt payments. Meanwhile, less fortunate people are able to benefit from being given cheap social housing. It’s a win-win situation for both parties.
Final Thoughts!
Εthical investments can be very effective (and profitable at the same time)!
You just need for you to start thinking out-of-the-box and start considering alternative investments as:
- The local business. Investing in your community is a sure way to develop a better community and build a profitable portfolio at the same time.
- The organic farming. The investment in an organic farming project is not just necessary today (given the growth of population and the rising demand for organic – clean- products) it is an imperative venture. Moreover, data shows it is a growing and much profitable business.
- The green energy. Green energy is a part of a more energy efficient model and a vital part of tomorrows energy strategy of a country. This is why the investment in green energy project is not only necessary but moral right because it provides a better cleaner tomorrow for the whole society.
- The senior care. The investment in social care projects is not today ethical right but also a profitable solid investment. Investing in such projects can lay down the foundation for a better future for the senior citizens as well as a better ROI (Return On Investment) for you. And finally,
- The social housing. Social housing construction projects provide today better financial opportunities for the investors and might provide a better “ethical investment opportunity” than others.