How To Maximize Employee Engagement During Open Enrollment

How To Maximize Employee Engagement During Open Enrollment

This article has been written by Frank Mengert. Frank Mengert continues to find success by spotting opportunities where others see nothing. As the founder and CEO of ebm, a leading provider of employee benefits solutions. Frank has built the business by bridging the gap between insurance and technology driven solutions for brokers, consultants, carriers, and employers nationwide.

Open enrollment periods are an important part of allowing employees to make important changes to their benefits coverage options.


How To Reinvest Your Small Business Profits

How To Reinvest Your Small Business Profits

As a business owner, the moment you first see that you are making a profit, it’s easy to get excited. That’s a good thing – making a profit shows you are successful. However, there is a difference between getting excited and getting over-excited. The former is perfectly natural and a great thing to enjoy, while the latter could lead to a lot of problems, most of which will relate to overspending. After all, when you have more money than you did before, it’s going to be tempting to spend it.
