People are always excited about success. Successful people draw our attention, we want to follow them, we want to know the way they acted to get this success. There are lots of rules, daily habits or ways of thinking they could practice before reaching the top. But I’m sure that there’s one thing, one key principle they all used, sometimes even not realizing it.
Our life is rushing very, sometimes frighteningly fast. And, as the practice shows, sometimes it’s not necessary or even useless to think a lot and try to evaluate how to act in this concrete case. Sometimes it’s the key to respond, to react to the situation, otherwise, the opportunity will simply pass by.
The base of the principle I’m talking about is the understanding that you live right now, there’s no tomorrow. So, it’s necessary to do your best now to accomplish your future goals.
One of the best pieces of advice that can ever be given to someone who wants to succeed either in business or in personal relationships can be placed in three simple words – do it now! Yes, it’s that simple, but to those who act this way every single day of their lives, this principle brings fascinating results.
Sometimes people procrastinate as they’re not sure about how to act in this specific case. They observe the situation and think something like ‘I’ll do it next time, when…’ It’s important to realize that this ‘when’ can never come, and you will stay aside. Think about this: would you act this way if you knew for sure it was the last day of your life? I don’t think so.
So, the first and the main step to your success is stop procrastinating right now! If you want to add something to the speaker’s words in the conference – just stand up and say it! Don’t be afraid to look foolish, everyone in this hall is likely to be nervous the way you are. If you want to talk to a cute girl on the party – just come up and say ‘hello’! Yes, there’s opportunity that she won’t be talking to you. But what is more possible, you’ll have a good time together and maybe even start going out.
Always wanted to start your own business? Then, stop saying that you don’t possess the needed skills, education or experience. The world has lots of examples that you don’t need any special qualities to succeed. Just get down to it and be ready to learn. Life gives us chances time after time, and if you won’t say yourself ‘do it now’, you’re going to miss it!
So, do right the following: starting from today (yes, today, not tomorrow), develop the habit to say ‘yes’ to every opportunity that the life offers you. If you feel the impulse to do something – do it right now! Sometimes, the week or two is enough to get the impressive results! Good luck!
Do you think that the “Do It” principle can affect positive your life? Do you think you can apply this principle in your everyday life and affairs? Please write your observations on the “Do It Now” principle.
I see the benefits of do it now every day. My wife is NOT one to let any grass grow under her feet. If she feels like something needs to be done, she is up and starting on it. I call her the “Do-it-now-inator”.
Thanks for sharing this.
Thank you Charles, on behalf of Paul. Certainly, develop an excellent post with one of the most useful productivity principles. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.