You’re almost ready to start your very own business. Well done for making it here! Hopefully, you’ve already browsed the rest of our articles about business. However, you’re not ready yet. Ideally, you want to visit a number of training classes to get your knowledge up to speed. You can benefit from their expertise and experience to avoid any bad mistakes once you’re up and running. Here are my picks for the five training classes you should visit before you get started.

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Startup Business Training
This is where it all begins. There are plenty of courses out there that seek to teach you the very basics of starting your business. They’ll go over crucial details, like law requirements that you can’t afford to get wrong. Everything you need will be mapped out for you, and you’ll come away wondering how you ever planned to get by without it. This course could just prove to be absolutely crucial as you head into the future.
Social Media Training
Nowadays, marketing is digitally based in many instances. It’s all well and good having a marketing department, but it’s still worth learning social media for yourself. If you’ve got the reigns over what you’re posting, you can ensure mistakes aren’t made. Also, it’ll relieve the pressure on your marketing team that otherwise need to monitor Facebook all day, every day.
Safety & Health Training
The safety of your employees should be paramount. Heck, the safety of you as a business owner should be paramount! Everything that happens in your business needs to be considered from a safety and health point of view. There are a lot of law requirements you’ll have to adhere to, and they’re not simple! By going through this training, you’ll learn how to effectively support everyone in the business. Also, you’ll come away with an additional certification. This should improve your reputation as a safety-conscious owner.
Customer Service Training
As the person at the head of the line, you need to be the best at customer service. A few customer service classes wouldn’t go amiss, then! When an angry customer is given to you to deal with, you need to be authoritative and ready to resolve problems. Without the proper training, you might come across as amateurish and unwilling to help. If the boss is presenting that kind of message, it’s definitely not a good thing!
Financial Training
Yes, I wholeheartedly recommend that you hire an accountant for your financial matters. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t also learn the ins and outs of small business finance. Can you really operate a business without understanding your finances? Do you really trust someone else all that much? You should always be in the picture to save any problems arising down the line. A few training courses should be enough to get your knowledge up to speed.
Of course, there are many hundreds of training courses out there for people like you. You don’t have to stick to our five suggestions…the more, the better!