If you only understand one trait of a successful marketing campaign, know that it should all be connected. Before we get into what this means, we need to look at the different parts of a marketing campaign, and for this purpose, we’re going to focus mainly on online forms of marketing.

Image Source: What will motoring look like 70 years from now? via Flickr
The first part of a marketing campaign is the website. Think of your website as the heart of your business and the promotional campaign. It’s where everything begins. You might share content across social media, but chances are that it was first published on your website.
Or perhaps your blog, because that can be a branch of your site. A blog is a great way to add a lot of content without your site looking overcrowded and poorly managed.
It also means that the fresh content are the pieces that customers see first and that’s exactly what you want. It will ensure that they keep coming back to get fresh information from your business.

Image Source: Pixabay
You might also have a shop which is really the final point of your marketing campaign. If users have reached your online shop, your job is nearly complete. Unless there is something weird on your site that spooks them such as a lack of security features, they’re going to buy.
Outside of this main network, you’re going to have various social profiles such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and maybe even Snapchat. All of these can be used in various ways to market your business.
Apart from your main online promotional campaign, you might also have content offline. For instance, you might hold an event in the hope that the story behind it will go viral. Of course, that will only happen if you can connect your offline event to the online promotion that you already have in place like social media.
Okay, so these are the main parts of any typical marketing campaign. Now, we need to look at how to connect them and why it’s important to do this.
Social Side Of Your Site

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay
There are lots of ways to connect your social media profiles to your business site. You can use links through content that links to social media profiles. Or, you can add links to posts on social media that push users to your site or perhaps your shop. You can also use widgets on the site, and this can be useful.
Having a widget allows users to look at your social media without ever having to leave your site. So essentially, you get the best of both world, and if they are interested in one of your posts, they’re going to click on it. Not only will this lead to more interest from customers on your site, it could lead to more follows for your social media.
But why is it important for social media to be connected to your website? Well, these days, social media is how customers connect to sites online. If they want information, to express their views or just to interact with other customers, social media is how they’re going to do it.
For you, it’s a chance to show your customers beyond what your business is and more what it can offer. There’s definitely a two-way relationship here but the reason for the connection to your site is all about search ranking.
If you want a high search ranking, and you do, you need to focus on content marketing. It’s quickly becoming the key form of SEO and the one that is having the greatest effect in marketing campaigns. By releasing content on your site that is fresh and relevant, you could automatically boost your ranking. Adding it to social media is just a way to get more shares and the more content is shared, the more effective it’s going to be.
You can also encourage site visits, and that’s ultimately going to lead to further sales for your business.
Connecting To Other Sites

Image Source: Flickr
Next, let’s think about the importance of connecting to other sites through link building.
Let’s say you have a blog, and if you don’t, companies such as Original Element are WordPress Developers so they can set one up for you.
Once you have established your blog online, you need to get leads for it. You need to make sure that there are people, potential customers visiting your blog.
The best way to do this is to target people you think would want to buy from you by examining sites that are in some way related to yours. Reach out to the owner, and you will have built a link. You can then get a direct source of traffic from their site to yours. Again, it’s going to lead to more sales opportunities, and the best part is customers don’t even realize it was a promotion.
Linking To The Shop

Image Source: Pixabay
Since your shop is the final stop for most customers, you must make sure that it is easy to find. The best way to do this is to literally link it to your site.
You should obviously have a direct link to your shop on the landing page, but that’s not always the best way to get customers. You need to be a little more subtle than that, and instead, you need to think about telling a story.
All great content tells a story. Essentially, you begin the content by introducing a problem that relates directly to the user. Then, you introduce the solution which should be related to one of your products.
It’s at this point that you can link to where that product is being sold. It’s subtle yet effective, and it should increase your conversion rate dramatically.
Don’t forget, you can link to the shop in other areas of your marketing and promotion as well.
It certainly pays to occasionally advertise it on your social media, but you don’t want it to be too obvious.
However, links like this do make your business site easy to navigate, and that’s exactly what you want. If customers have to spend hours searching for a product on your site that they want to buy, you’ve probably already lost them. They’ll click off after they failed to find it in the first five minutes.

Image Source: Pixabay
We hope you now see the absolute cruciality of keeping everything in your marketing campaign completely connected.