Takis Athanassiou+ by | Mar 10, 2022 | Business, Entrepreneurship, Financial & Investing, Sales, Small Business
Who wouldn’t want to earn a substantial amount of passive income from a thriving industry that has helped millions of others gain success? Branching out into the business of real estate is something that most entrepreneurial minded people have considered at some point, and there are a number of reasons why it’s such a popular choice of career or side hustle.
Takis Athanassiou+ by | Mar 2, 2021 | Business, Sales, Small Business, Startups
Customer needs and expectations may change all the time. While it’s always a positive when your business thrives and grows, this also means that customers expect more from you the more well-known your brand becomes.
Contributing Author+ by | Feb 12, 2021 | Business, Entrepreneurship, Sales, Small Business
Working with suppliers is something that many businesses will do actively and this will tend to change in different ways. Whether it’s outgrowing an old supplier or needing additional help and support, there are plenty of things to look for when it comes to choosing your next supplier.
Takis Athanassiou+ by | Dec 30, 2020 | Business, Entrepreneurship, Sales, Small Business
You can probably recall a time when you received excellent customer service that surpassed your expectations. Whether it was a diligent server at a favorite restaurant or a friendly and reassuring voice through the receiver of a telephone, a quality customer experience shines out from every corner of the business world.
Contributing Author+ by | Dec 30, 2020 | Business, Career & Business Profile, Sales, Small Business
It is no secret that finding jobs in the current economic climate is something which is proving to be difficult for many individuals. This is quite simply because there is an excess in supply, but a shortage of demand for workers.
Contributing Author+ by | Nov 17, 2020 | Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Sales, Small Business
Sales on Amazon have been booming recently. With many shoppers now staying home due to the global pandemic, internet sales have soared, especially on the shopping giant that is Amazon.