How To Maximize Employee Engagement During Open Enrollment
Open enrollment periods are an important part of allowing employees to make important changes to their benefits coverage options.
Open enrollment periods are an important part of allowing employees to make important changes to their benefits coverage options.
As an instructional designer and course/content expert for more than 25 years, I had various issue to cope with, in order to produce a compound and rock-solid results.
Is late September 2023 when I’m writing these notes and it is the time to set some things in motion. Now that you haven’t any more excuse like “I need vacation” or “I need more time/Energy/ etc.” it is the right time to start organize yourself and align what you do with the person you want to become after 1, 2, or 3 years.
One of the things I am discussing a lot lately is how to transform the way you operate in a way that would provide more results in less time. And along with that is why I needed to design a new framework for focusing my thoughts at the things, I think, matter most in my life.
All people have a lot to do during their day. The problem arises when you need to do more things or just things, and you don’t have the time.
Dreaming of a career that doesn’t make you want to pull your hair out on a Monday afternoon? Struggling to get out of bed with the thought of going to work?