Welcome to Season 1, Episode 6 of the Leadership Execution Podcast and thank you, everyone, for listening. In this episode, I’d like to share some thoughts on what makes me (you, us) special.  I believe everyone is a special person and has a specific role and mission to life.  These are some ideas on how to define that and what can we do to become more effective! Please, join the discussion!

Podcast Cover Post - Ep.006 - What Makes You Special?

I made this podcast with the ideas I have developed in this article! My main argument is that action does not suffice to bring the results you want. It needs to combine together thought and action in order to achieve your objectives in life and business.

Listen To The Podcast

In this podcast you will find out:

  • What it means to be special,
  • What you need to do, and
  • How to achieve it!

Join The Discussion

To be a leader or an entrepreneur, it means to reflect, to act, to change and to learn. But a primary function of a leader is to share.

A podcast can provoke many insights, comments, views, and one of my favorite parts is to provide you with the incentives and the inspiration to make a difference.

That’s why I invite you to join this conversation, by sharing your views and insights on how you could establish trusts with your clients!

Moreover, I’d like to provoke you a little further, with a question!

Additional Resources Related To Accountability Topics

If you want more information about the topics of this podcast you can explore the following resources:

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