Everything in business needs to progress to keep up with what customers are looking for. Customer service practices are included in this, and in fact are some of the most important things to concentrate on.

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You need to keep up with how customers want to communicate with you so you can meet their needs.
Super Personalized Customer Service
In many ways, customer service is becoming more personal. However, you have to be careful with this because if you get too personal, people can find it intrusive.
You could do anything from including handwritten notes in orders to assigning a dedicated account manager to clients.
Video Calls
Communicating with customers face-to-face isn’t always possible. But a video call could be the next best thing.
Big companies like Amazon have used this technique to provide a closer connection to customers. Video calls could be offered through your business’s own app.
Chatbots are a great way to provide instant customer service to people on your website.
They can use pre-programmed answers and machine learning to help with standard questions. They’re also good for helping out until a live customer service agent is available to chat.
Social Media
Social media can be a great tool to use for customer service, but you have to get it right.
Social media customer service done badly could be terrible for your brand. You need to provide a service that’s useful and goes further than simply referring people to other customer service channels, such as phone or email.
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