One of the projects I am active lately is the development of a new point of online presence! The reasons for this decision are many, but basically I needed a new, “fresh“, site as a second base of operations for my activities!
This is the Business Initiative @Business site and its developing was, needless to say, quite challenging!
Objectives of the New Site
This blog is centered on the concept of “Leadership Initiative” and claims (as in my personal blog) that Leadership:
can be used both as a framework of thought and as a tool for bringing desired and intended changes to a personal and professional level. These changes, made in a personal level, can propagate results and outputs in the areas of personal development, relationships, business, communities, politics, etc.
The Business Initiative @Business designed in order to provide tools and approaches to help you:
- To develop yourself & your business,
- To plan effectively your personal and professional path
- To do more things better
- To lead effectively your way of life, or simply
- To achieve your objectives
These are the basic goals I have set for this new site and I structure it in order to serve them in a quick and effective way! The way I develop it and the things I consider as vital for its growth are the topic of my next post!
This site is basically centered around you and your life goals. It is developed in order to prove you the things you can achieve and establish a better communication channel between us. Also, it is a more business-oriented branch of the concepts I sponsored aiming at laying the base for the foundation of a new community of people want to do more in life and business and they do not know how!
The prime objective of this site is to provide a way for you to make a living while at the same time you enjoy fully yourself and your life with your family and the people you care about, living on your own terms and conditions!
Said that this site is founded on 3 basic pillars/concepts, the business/entrepreneurship, the e-Learning and the startups in order to provide you information and resources to achieve your goals in the business area, without losing yourself and the people you care about in the process.
The reasons I choose these disciplines are that these encompass concepts, ideas and approaches can help you strategically to maintain or change things in your life and business in a more global way! Our job tends to affect our personal life and vice versa. The trick is not to get caught in the middle or find a way to control the process or flow effortlessly with it! Not an easy task, anyway!
I deeply believe and I live by the fact that a person can be successful when both his/her personal and professional life is in a balance! And this is a secondary objective of this site. To provide concepts would make you think on the terms of your current life and, if you want, to change it in a way more suited to your aspirations!
A New WordPress Project Development Roadmap
During my Sabbatical, I have done a lot of things! Many you should hear about it and much more are very very private (sorry guys)!
My scope has changed in the sense that I now focus on developing more a community, rather than the general education! At the same time, now, I am more aware of the demands of the people, I want to serve with my writings and knowledge!
When I started, I thought that motivation, incentives and a little bit of information may suffice to get someone out of his/her “comfort zone“ and do something for him/herself!
But it wasn’t!
Now I would like to provide more chunks of information, approaches, and tools in a way that would propel you to do something about that for your life and business, in a safe “ecosystem“ (i.e. in the framework of an active and very helpful community). This is an activity-based blog and would provide actionable items and concepts that would make you think or do something with your own life!
My focus is to make you see common and everyday things in another way, to make you interact and to pro-act rather than consume the information and ideas I provide without you do something about that. This site (and the community will be developed around it) will facilitate you to set your life goals, to put your plans into perspective and to do something about achieving them.
It is not a site for “consumers of information“ it is a site for doers, decision makers, and people want to learn and implement their knowledge to better their lives and enhance all the aspects of their living conditions.
Furthermore, this site aspires to make you understand that today you have all the necessary knowledge and skills to be both a producer-consumer of information, products, services, etc. and that now is the time to start thinking what you want and chase it!
Last, but not least, a basic objective of this new site (in cooperation with my personal blog) is to set up a community of interested people and provide a “safe“ environment for them to act, interact, exchange information, cooperate, help each other and become friends!
A community with common purposes, common rules of contacts and value provisions to all people participate in. Aims at nourishing a network of active people freely willingly and wishing to share and exchange beliefs, approaches, ideas, how-to to help other people to become active in entrepreneurship, business, etc.
You are all welcome to this new venture! Please support it, participate in it, write for it, comment its material and resources and promote it in a way that soon will be your place. A place “everyone knows your name“!