Cloud Computing 101

This article has been written by Amanda Peterson. Amanda is a contributor to Enlightened Digital and software engineer from the one, the only New York City. When she is not trying to find the best record store in the city, you can find her curling up to watch some Netflix with her Puggle, Hendrix.

What is the cloud? Where is the cloud? What does the cloud actually do?

Cloud Computing 101

Image source: Pixabay


Speed = Money, So Help Your Factories Practically

Factories are the animals of the business world that really deserve to be lauded for their role. These beasts are large and are built to have many thousands of tons worth of storage space, they employee hundreds and hundreds of people, many different processes involving different professions amalgamate in and around them and they make sure businesses keep on flowing.

Help Your Factories Practically

Image Source: Pixabay


How To Bring Your Business Into The 21st Century

The world of business is constantly changing. Every single day there are new strategies being thought up, new technologies being designed, and new practices being implemented. If you want to remain successful in business, then it’s vital that you keep up with these changes and your competition. If you don’t, you’ll be left behind, and won’t be able to survive for very long.

How To Bring Your Business Into The 21st Century

Image Source: Pexels


My Personal Leadership Approach!

You cannot lead if you are not capable of leading yourself” I hear a mentor of mine arguing many years ago! It is something that accompanied me many times since and echoes my thoughts many times in various situations driving my thoughts as far as the leadership and personal development concerns! Personal leadership plays (and always had played) a large role in my life! Because there are things you can do and things you cannot “undone”! And that it is something should drive the activities of a leader all the times!

A Personal Leadership Approach
