You can never afford to stop moving when it comes to your business; you have to push on and continue to grow.

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This may seem like a big step, but in reality, it’s just a series of small steps. Having built your company up, it’s time to grow more, here are some ways in which you can do just that.
Simplify Who You Are
Now that you are established, you have the luxury of being able to streamline who you are and what your company does, while at the same time opening up the market.
You are no longer a ‘small business delivery company’ – you’re a ‘delivery company.’
There is no need to distinguish yourself from being small or local anymore. This minor change signifies that you can handle anything within a larger distance – like the county or even nationwide.
With simplifying who you are, you need to do the same with your message and with your marketing strategy; they need to reflect who you are now and not who you were as a newbie in your industry.
But never forget your roots – don’t shake off loyal clients or older products just because they aren’t the biggest or the newest.
Stay true to where you began, and people will respect it.
Target More Markets
Growth brings the opportunity to expand your market audience. If you deliver parts for local garages, then look into the need for delivering hardware or most any type of stock for other businesses.
Just because they aren’t the original audience you set out to attract shouldn’t be the reason to miss out on new clients.
Look for the avenues you have yet to explore, and that other person in your industry is missing.
Also take this time to reach out to the community, both local and business.
Get involved in business fairs by having your own tradeshow display, and start advertising on a larger scale. You have to spend a little to see a bigger return.
Expand The Office
Look into new software and equipment.
There are many different ways technology can help improve the efficiency of your staff. And you might be at the point of moving to a larger premises altogether.
This is a big step, but if you’re ready because of demand or just funds, then go for it.
And perhaps it’s time to expand your employee base – even if it’s just someone to manage the new marketing campaign or to take over the finances.
You’re at a point now where you have room to delegate work and take some time for yourself – which you probably haven’t done since you opened.
Just because you’re growing the business doesn’t mean that you have to work 24/7.
You can also outsource work to freelancers or online companies. Sites like Freelancer can help you find someone to outsource to.